
Some thoughts on keeping ourselves mentally and physically fit

Stay at Home

Protect the NHS

Save Lives

This is a collection of possible ways to keep well during lockdown. THe links will open a new tab or window in your browser. It is harvested from the village WhatsApp group as well as other sources. If you have a suggestion for something to be added or removed, e-mail alan[at] .

Things to do

Learn to cook
or learn new cooking skills
Delia’s Learn to cook course
Seven ways to improve your baking skills
Learn a new skill, from Norwegian to programming via fiction writing Boredom busting courses from Future Learn
Exercise Exercise with Joe Wicks

Things to see

Streamed recordings of live performances at the National Theatre National Theatre at Home
This site has links to many stage shows (theatre and musicals) that can be streamed for free and claims, “We’re updating this list daily with all the latest shows you can stream!” What’s On Stage

Places to go (virtual)

Links to many virtual museums around the world from the Air and Space Museum in Wasnington DC to the Musée d’Orsay in Paris Family Days Tried and Tested
Many museums have on line offerings
Victoria and Albert
The Tate Gallery
British Museum

Places to go (actual)

You must keep at least two metres apart from anyone except members of your household.
Daily exercise is an important part of keeping fit at this time. Walking the roads both around and out of the village provides a chance to exercise in the open air with good views. The Memorial Field is open but the palyground is closed until further notice. The exhortation to stay at least 2m apart should be followed.
There is (as yet 6/4/20) no restriction on using public footpaths. Many of the foot paths around Bolton involve walking across farmland, accessed through field gates. The farming community have asked that people avoid touching (and thus possibly contaminating) field gates at this time. Farmers are essential workers and they have to use the field gates to do their job. The current best estimates (from the US National Institutes of Health) are that Covid-19 virus can remain viable on hard surfaces for up to three days.
If you do decide to use the footpaths, please follow the Countryside Code, and take extra Covid-19 based precautions: use hand sanitising gel before and after touching anything, particularly anything someone else might be expected to touch, or use clean gloves for each thing you touch.

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